Interface IBasicDocTypeHandling

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractBasicMarkupAttoHandler, AbstractDetailedMarkupAttoHandler, AbstractDetailedNonValidatingHtmlAttoHandler, AbstractDetailedXmlAttoHandler, AbstractStandardMarkupAttoHandler, AbstractStandardNonValidatingHtmlAttoHandler, AbstractStandardXmlAttoHandler, DOMXmlAttoHandler, DuplicatingBasicMarkupAttoHandler, DuplicatingDetailedMarkupAttoHandler, HtmlCodeDisplayAttoHandler, TracingBasicMarkupAttoHandler, TracingDetailedHtmlAttoHandler, TracingDetailedMarkupAttoHandler, TracingStandardMarkupAttoHandler

public interface IBasicDocTypeHandling

Handler feature interface to be implemented by IAttoHandler implementations that offer basic (non-detailed) reporting of DOCTYPE clauses.

Daniel Fernández

Method Summary
 void handleDocType(char[] buffer, int contentOffset, int contentLen, int outerOffset, int outerLen, int line, int col)
           Called when a DOCTYPE clause is found.

Method Detail


void handleDocType(char[] buffer,
                   int contentOffset,
                   int contentLen,
                   int outerOffset,
                   int outerLen,
                   int line,
                   int col)
                   throws AttoParseException

Called when a DOCTYPE clause is found.

This method reports the DOCTYPE clause as a whole, not splitting it into its different parts (root element name, publicId, etc.). This splitting should normally be done by implementations of the IDetailedDocTypeHandling interface (like AbstractDetailedMarkupAttoHandler).

Two [offset, len] pairs are provided for two partitions (outer and content) of the DOCTYPE clause:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "..." "...">
| [CONTENT----------------------]|

Artifacts are reported using the document buffer directly, and this buffer should not be considered to be immutable, so reported structures should be copied if they need to be stored (either by copying len chars from the buffer char[] starting in offset or by creating a String from it using the same specification).

Implementations of this handler should never modify the document buffer.

buffer - the document buffer (not copied)
contentOffset - offset for the content partition.
contentLen - length of the content partition.
outerOffset - offset for the outer partition.
outerLen - length of the outer partition.
line - the line in the original document where this artifact starts.
col - the column in the original document where this artifact starts.

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